I mulled over the words, sounds and emotions that swelled in my heart, hmm never knew it'd come to this but I must do this for the sake of me, I am dying and continuing this miserable existence will inevidently speed my death and darken my soul. I waited for her to exit the elevators, there she was beautiful, breath-takingly beautiful even, but she has become souless, wicked and so, so self-absorbed. I smiled at her and she frowned, yeah this is how bad it has become between Maxine and I. She hugged me barely, and my heart beat-fast. She can still drag strong sexual urges from me, but that is it, I truly dislike this woman. She spoke first, "Greg, lets go to Twiggy's on Corant Street tonight baby, I want sushi, I have had a long day, my boss I know hates me, and that back stabbing bitch Hillary is the cause, Ugggh!" I hate Twiggy's, I hate sushi, I hate driving all the way downtown, especially in this snow storm. "Max, are you kidding me? When we get out in the parking lot tell me what you see, and let me know if you still wanna go all the way down-town to Twiggy's" She screwed her mouth into a frown. "Greg, I want to go, rain, sleet or snow, I am tired and I need to go and unwind, please don't take this from me darling." She touched my face, I feel horny, that is all I feel. I decided I'd do it now. "Maxine, we need to talk. I can't do this anymore, this relationship is killing me, you are an abyss, a never ending case of need!" Maxine was stunned and humliated.
Where is the rest of the story?
The rest is coming
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