May 31, 2009

New Book Started- Drama and Complications.

Drama and Complications Copyrighted 2007 by Cheryl M. Spence.

Foolishness I Cannot Take Right Now.


“What do you mean you can’t keep your kids Kendra?” I stared opened mouthed at my baby sister; she called me in a panic begging me to meet her here at this Starbucks. Kendra, lips trembling, she was standing and she wobbled back to her seat. She whispered, as if trying to hide her damn shame from the world, “I cannot keep them, as Shawn won’t marry me, with kids. I cannot afford to lose him Karen,  he can take care of me, girl you know I never finished uni, he promised to take care of me, send me back to school, but no kids.” I don’t think I am hearing this girl right, I know she didn’t just say what I think she said, “Kendra, this is fuckery, did you hide the fact that you had kids from him? No you didn’t so he is a grown man, did he just fucking find out he didn’t want your kids? I now know why I don’t like his punk ass!” I seem to be the only one with sense out of my three girlfriends which also includes my flighty sister Kendra; gold digger, extraordinaire. She got her two kids, twins mind  you by trickery and treachery; she screwed a then high in his game hockey star, yeah not basketball, nor football, but hockey star. She fooled him she was on the pill, when she stopped taking them. She got pregnant, six years later he committed murder, died in prison and she is now alone with her twelve year old twins, who by the way give a whole other meaning to the word twin terrors, no wonder this man  don’t want them. They are worse than Bebe's kids. 

My sister Kendra is beautiful, light skin, full grey eyes, figure like a model slim, legs ran for miles, my mother, my complicated mother, wanting only light skinned children, went out of her way to England, married a man brought him over to Canada. She made him give her three children and then found some ridiculous fault with him, so she could divorce him. I often wondered why she went all the way to England for a White man, when they were more than the hairs of her head here in Canada. Her reply, an English white man has a less than likely possibility of being mixed. She wanted a pure White man to father her children. I wished she never told me that story, when I chastised her, she said, “Karen look at me, I am black as coal, do you think I want that for my children?” So yeah, Kendra, Kenneth and I are light skin, I could pass for a white woman, except for my nappy hair, which my mother has tried unsuccessfully for years to straighten. I am from a mixed up, crazy family.

Then there is Cyndi, sexy, slim, high forehead, she is a lush, self centred and lazy, always in the groove to trap any man with a bank account above a million, she worms her way into their lives, uses seduction and drugs, tells them she is pregnant she gets paid, spends the money and move on to her next target. Her lifestyle has taken her all over the world, one minute she is a bartender in Scotland, and then the next minute she is rolling with some executive at a record label in New York. Then I heard this girl was in Cannes, sponging off some old white dude who looks like he is a prime stock holder in the company that makes Viagra. Sex, drugs, booze and lies all come together to make the wonderful package called Cyndi.

And last but by no means least is Jada, she is a stripper, lives in a loft downtown that most hard working people cannot afford, she gives massages with a happy ending, and is paid, oh she is well paid. She constantly moans how her life is miserable, claims she would like to get her bartending license but cannot find enough time off her back to get to school.

Now me, lawyer, junior partner in a prestigious law firm in Toronto, graduated at the top of my class, I am earning a six figure salary and have stock options in my company, stocks in other major corporations, plus I have my own hand-bag line, making me millions on the side. People may wonder why I am friends with these three including my selfish sister, but history and events in history has kept us bonded.

Now back to my sister’s mental degradation as this is all I can call this mess now. “Karen, of course he knew I had kids, I will never hide my damn kids from a man, but he probably had no intention of falling in love with me, and didn’t mind them, but now he wants to be married. Karen, you know Kobe and Katelyn, nobody can control those kids. Do you think mum will keep them for me? I just want more time after the wedding to convince him to let me raise the children and be his wife at the same time.” She pleaded with her eyes, I will not participate in this mess; I drummed my fingers against the table and bounced my leg. I said, “Kendra, you know damn well mum will not be able to handle those kids, she is sixty five, riddled with arthritis, and high blood pressure, plus she is done raising kids.” Kendra said, “Karen, you know I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t want to get my life back on track. You know I should have been a lawyer by now, if I never dropped out of Howard I would be working for a law firm or own my own firm instead of making next to nothing as a frustrated call centre rep, Karen you know how humiliating it is to have some of those idiots talk down to you? I need this change and Shawn is the one to give it to me.” I felt little pity for her; Kendra got into Howard with student loans and my help, and threw it all away when she decided hooking up with a professional athlete is the best life had to offer, she kills me sometimes. I looked at her and what I will say next will crush her; “Kendra, you will never guess who called me today, wanting me to come and be a partner in her law firm.” She gave me a blank stare, I waited she has no clue so I continued. “Remember Jackie Cole, you guys went to Howard together, she went on to Osgoode Hall, she has a small firm and wants me to come aboard, she is going on maternity leave and says she needs someone with my experience to continue on.” A flash of remembrance hit her, she feebly said, “Jackie Cole, yeah I remember her, we wanted to open a law firm together. I never knew she graduated from Osgoode, good for her, you should take her up on her offer.” I said, “Yes, she got married to didn’t she marry Jordan Livingston and now she is having her first child. Kendra, it is you Jackie should have been making this offer to, but...” My voice trailed off, I hated that she feels she needs to sell her soul to the devil in the red skin Shawn to go back to school. “Karen, now you know I have to get back into school, I am thirty two with two kids, stuck in a dead end job, I will never get promoted at that place, as if you are not liked you are  stuck on the phones forever. Please let me ask mom to help me out here." I think I should not have told her about Jackie, as I think it has made her more determined to go through with her terrible plan.

I didn't want to harass mom with Kendra's drama, mum did not bless Kendra’s plan to marry that hockey player, but she accepted the marriage overtime. I am not sure what her reaction will be to Kendra’s latest scheme. “Kendra, mum is sixty five years old, retired, has arthritis remember, she cannot handle your kids. An army cannot handle your children, especially Kobe, he is rude and out of control.” Kendra was upset, she pouted her lips, she always gets so defensive about Kobe, and he is only twelve and has had several run INS with the police. Katelyn is two sleeps away from getting pregnant. I know mum will give a definite no to Kendra. Kendra said,  “Karen I am not stupid you know, I do have two years of university I know mum is sick, but I need to get my life fixed and only Shawn can help.” I shook my head and bit down on a carrot stick. She mumbled, “It’s not like I have anyone else, you have completely abandoned me...” I lean forward, squinted my eyes, and stared her dead in the face, I felt like putting her across my knees and spanking her as she was being an ungrateful spoilt brat right now. “Kendra, are you fucking kidding me? I sent you to a university in the United States, it cost me tons, I worked like a dog, to pay your tuition and repay my huge student loans. Because of this, I missed out on a great relationship with Patrick, remember Patrick, great guy, loved me to death, but he couldn’t hang around for me to finish my eighteen hour days. So yeah, I did abandon you, you are a bottomless pit, and I am done, not having this conversation anymore.” Kendra, moved her lips, I held my palm up to her, gathered up my purse, coat and shades and stormed out. Fuck her and the horse she rode in on. I was shaking. Geez, bottomless pit!


Karen is such a witch, sometimes bitch evil, ugh! I cannot stand her; it’s unbelievable that she is refusing to speak with mum for me. I sat frozen at my seat; I cannot keep Kobe and Katelyn, or my future will be up in smoke, sometimes I regret having them. My mind went to the conversation about Jackie Cole, she was not even that good at university, I helped her on most of her papers and now she is a lawyer, married to one of the best men on earth. I pinched myself, I was having covetous feelings and that is one of the worst things anyone can do.

I sat in the Starbucks for a few minutes after Karen left, I played the arguments I need to use, to convince mom to raise the kids, I only need two years, I dropped out of Howard at the end of my second year, my grade point average was 4.0, I can get into a good Canadian university as an upper year student. I will find way for Shawn to dump me as I will come off as a gold digging bitch if I end the relationship with him just as I graduate. I will cross that bridge when I get there, now my main problem is getting my mother to raise those kids.


I just finished having the wildest sex with someone who is not twice my age for once. I am falling for Morris, but he is poor. I am used to Diva Vodka and caviar, not beer and pretzel which are only what he can afford. The sex is great, I see stars, pretty colours and the moon when I orgasm. Great sex makes me happy but money makes me ecstatic. Morris is a trained lawyer, but he was disbarred as he became who he represented a drug dealer and a con artist. He has a law degree, he can enrol for another degree; instead my sex god and love has settled for a life as a hotel cleaner. I looked over at him and he was fast asleep, my phone rang, he stirred, my phone was on the table on his side, he reached as if he wanted to pick the phone. I sprung out of bed like a crazed woman. "Morris, that's my phone, what the hell are you doing?" He said, "Cyndi are you cheating on me? What the fuck was that?" I was shaking of course I was cheating hard core on him, damn sex made me lose my game, I usually put that phone in my safe, yeah safe whenever, Morris comes around. I slipped up, haven’t had any good sex in days, I greeted him at the door naked and practically dragged him into the bedroom I totally forgot about my phone. There was silence, too long of a silence, silence that made me look guilty. His eyes welled up with tears; I need to say something, but what? I said, “Morris, you were sleeping and I didn’t want the phone to disturb you baby.” I held his hands he pulled them away and got up, he searched the room with his eyes, I panicked, what is he looking for? “I want my clothes, where are they? I need to leave.” I said, “Baby, of course I am not cheating on you. I would never do that, c’mon. Morris, come back arrgh!” He hurried through the doors and flew down the stairs, I had to stop him. I was naked but I just grabbed the sheet and wrapped it around myself. I didn’t have to go outside as he was sitting at the bottom of the stairs, his head was in his hand and he was sighing, I have never seen Morris so upset. I crept down the stairs as I didn’t want him to leave, I got close to him, I kissed his neck, and he didn’t move I take this as a good sign. He said, “Cyndi, I know I don’t have much, but that doesn’t mean I will accept being treated like garbage. I am your man, and I need to know whether anyone else is fucking you?” I know if I told him, I am a pimp short of being a high class call girl, I’d never see him again. Morris thinks I am a stockbroker, toiling in one of those big downtown offices. Thank God for his disdain of anything corporate he has never wanted to visit me at work. I said, “Morris, I would never cheat on you honey, there is no reason for me to cheat. I have you, and that is all I need.” I could be an actress, should have signed up for “The Young and The Restless.” I was so sincere, eyes truthful, his eyes softened and I sighed deep within, and I would just die if Morris found out what I really do with my days. Just as I was gazing into his eyes panic came over me; what if I gave him A.I.D.S. or any other STDs? I calmed down as I have been tested regularly, and we always use a condom so I calmed down.


I love my life, its I can do whatever I want without being censored.  I don't give a shit about what that church going, pulpit kisser ass of a mother think about me fucking, loving and making money. She was poor, still is poor serving her God.  I no longer believe in that God, hmm never will I believe in Him.  He took my baby boy, seven weeks out, healthy, all of a sudden baby boy got terminal cancer. Why give me such a precious gift only to take it away? Yeah mum, yeah! Oh and the beautiful irony of it all, I cannot have any more kids. Isaiah was my miracle baby.  So yeah again mum, I don't give two fucks about what you are preaching.  Oh who am I kidding, I love the sex, but hate the men, I wanna be free, free from them, free from the voices inside my head, free from my mother's voice. Freedom I could kiss you, why are you so far from me?

I sat on my balcony, high up on the 32nd floor, I wondered what would it be like to have freedom, soaring high in the sky. Then I remembered oh you will hit the ground and be smashed into a million pieces.  My mother's words played in my head, "Jade, your soul will fry in hell." Even though I no longer believe in God, I still believe in eternal damnation, what is that though?

My doorbell rang, I don't wanna answer it, it has got to be smiling Robbie, money icon, smells like goat cheese, folds of fat every where.  I hate him, he is one of my best customers, I massage him and he comes, never wants me to touch him there, he never touches me or attempt to make me give him a happy ending massage. He pays well, thousands per hour, he just sits and stares at me, while I dance naked for him after his massage.  I still hate him.

Just as I knew, Smiling Robbie is here, he is more sweaty than I have ever seen him. He hurried in, looking scared and whiter than usual.  "Robbie, is everything going okay, you are sweating like a pig right now."  I was always cruel to him.  "I am in trouble Jada, big trouble, I have to stay with you for a while, if I go back home I am dead."  I stood and stared at him, no way in hell is this fool staying here, I have other clients, plus living with anyone will cramp my style. "Look Robbie, you are one of my best clients, I will admit, but there is no way you are staying here."  His demeanor went from being scared to scary, he lounged at me, grabbed my neck and braced me against my wall.  "Look, you piece of garbage, I gave you loads of money, without once putting it inside you. I NEED  a place to hide out and you are it!" I had no fear, I was angry when he said those words, "Nigga, please you don't own me, my  spot is not a sanctuary go find a Priest, get out." He squeezed my neck a bit harder.  I found strength from somewhere and kneed him in his balls, he doubled over in pain.  I cracked my neck and stood over the fat mess.  I kicked him, in the balls three of four times, he yelled out in pain. Earth shattering pain. I did not care.  It was hot, I was hot, my heart raced, my head hurt.  I ran to the closet and took out my glock.  I aimed it at the trash still on my floor.  He whimpered saying I shouldn't kill him. I was hard, I wanted to kill him.  "You better give me a good reason, not to shoot you and hack you up! Talk nigga."  "You ever wondered where I get all the money I have been throwing at your narrow behind?" I kicked him, he yelled help, kicked him again.  "I am a drug dealer, I am a drug dealer, they have come to collect and I am a walking dead man."


So I am mustering the courage to go see my mother, she has not returned any of my calls, Karen must have told her I wanted to see her.  Mum has never refused any of my calls ever, I thought my big sis had no intention on getting involved in my drama.